Monday, March 14, 2016

Welcome back 3/4 blended and 4th grade classes!

Hello again!

Trimester 3 begins this week, and I am so excited to welcome back my 4th graders and 3rd graders from 3/4 blended classes! This trimester our theme will be Green Engineering. We will learn about how engineers have to think about impacts their technologies could have on our fragile environment, as well as, how engineers solve environmental problems. We will also be learning about the West African country of Senegal and how their recycling marketplaces allow the people there to reuse materials that would otherwise be wasted to create new products. Recycling is a huge part of Sengalese culture, and we will see how we can also use recycled materials to create new products in STEM class.

Parents and Families: Stay tuned for a request for recyclable materials that will be needed in our upcoming engineering projects!

Also, as a general reminder, anyone who would like to have a conference with Mrs. Athearn, please send an email to or schedule a date in PTC Wizard. I will be available for conferences the week of March 21st.

-Mrs. Athearn

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