Monday, March 14, 2016

Update on week of March 7th, 2016: Grade 5 Final Projects!

Hi friends!

I want to give a big shout out to the 5th graders at Wentworth School! You all did an amazing job this year in the STEM classroom. Final Rocket and Rover Mission projects were fantastic! Last week, the 5th graders presented their final projects---including their final rocket, rover, and mission logo. They explained their destinations and their rover missions on distant planets and moons, performed their final rocket launches and decorated and presented their mission logos. Not all groups had a successful rocket launch, and some did not make it to their destination, but everyone had ideas trade-offs on their rover tools and explanations for improvements of rocket designs which was at the heart of this assignment to use the Engineering Design Process to design a rocket and rover with specific criteria and constraints. We learned that above all, when engineers fail, they take what they learned to make their technologies better next chance they get. These 5th graders are going to do fabulously in their engineering class at the middle school!

Students will also be receiving a copy of their team's mission logo sometime before April vacation. The logos came out so great, I want everyone to have one to take home, but they do take time to print in our 3D printer, so stay tuned!

-Mrs. A

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