Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Welcome back to STEM Class!

Dear students, teachers and families,

What an exciting first few weeks we've  had here in STEM class! We've been working on the following engineering learning goal for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders:

I can use the Engineering Design Process (EDP) to create a technology that solves a problem with a specific set of criteria and constraints.

To meet this learning goal, Wentworth students have participated in two fun engineering challenges. We built model towers to save animals living along an alligator swamp, and we created catapults to use in a catapult painting project to solve Mrs. Athearn's problem of having blank and boring bulletin boards. The kids have also learned about potential and kinetic energy as they created, improved, and tested their catapults.

Check this blog often for weekly updates of the exciting things happening in STEM class this year! We'll be creating, tinkering, designing, engineering, and using lots of fun technologies.

Science Question of the Week

I will be posting a Science Question of the Week every week starting October 10, 2016. Questions will be posted on Monday on this blog, and students can research the answer in their choice time at school or at home with their families. Students can post their answer in the comments of the blog post, Google Classroom or bring a written answer to Mrs. Athearn in B101. Answers will be accepted up until 2:45 on Fridays and winners will be displayed on the Spinetix TVs the following week. Winners will be determined by having the first correct response delivered to Mrs. A. This is of course an optional and fun activity that kids can choose to participate in.

-Mrs. Athearn :)

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