Friday, April 29, 2016

Update for the week of April 25, 2016

Hello teachers, students, and families,

I hope everyone had a nice spring break! I took some time to celebrate Earth Day over vacation and do some planting in my hay-bale gardens and clean up some litter around my neighborhood. I heard from many students about other ways they celebrated Earth Day like planting trees, conserving water or energy, and just spending time in nature. As we continue to study Green Engineering in STEM class, I hope students and families will be inspired to make small changes that can help protect and preserve our natural resources here in Scarborough and across the beautiful state of Maine. Below is an update on grades 3 and 4 STEM learning for this week!

Monday's and Friday's Classes:

Third and Fourth graders are continuing to work on their 3D printing project with an Earth Day/Green Living theme. The kids are learning the basic tools and functions of Tinkercad---our free online 3D modeling program, and using an online research tool--PowerKnowledge Life Science, to complete research of their choice about a Green Living topic to promote an Earth Day message. Kids choose a topic about Green Living and environmental science of their choice like global warming, recycling, or using energy efficient technologies, learn about that topic, and come up with a simple message that can be represented on a 3D logo design that we create in Tinkercad. The message should be simple and realistic---a small change or difference that everyday people like us can make to help the Earth.

Tuesday's, Wednesday's, and Thursday's Classes:

Third and Fourth graders are continuing on to the CREATE step of the Engineering Design Process as they design a recycled invention inspired by the Recycling Marketplace in Senegal, Africa. Kids collected recycled materials, and then imagined and planned the criteria for what their invention must do or be. Next, students made a detailed plan for creating their invention as well as, a plan for "Powering-Up" their invention using our LittleBits electronic modules. Some kids are making cars, model houses, and even a donut machine! I can't wait to see these inventions next week as we add artistic detail by painting and decorating the inventions.

Have a great weekend all!

Mrs. A

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