Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leap Year, Leap Day Explained


Tomorrow is February 29th, 2016---a leap day! A few kids have asked me what the Leap Day and Leap Year is all about, so here's a video to explain everything featuring my favorite astrophysicist and all around lover of science and the Cosmos---Neil deGrasse Tyson!

Happy Leap Day tomorrow!!

-Mrs. A

Friday, February 26, 2016

Update for February 26, 2016

Hi friends!

I haven't updated in a few weeks. Between snow-days, vacations, and lots of engineering projects, it has been a very busy February in the STEM classroom!

First, I want to remind everyone about the Wentworth PTA's upcoming Family STEAM Fair on Thursday, March 3rd at Wentworth School from 5:30-7:30 pm. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics! I heard that last year's event was a huge success, and I am so excited to be a part of the fun this year. Many teachers and staff members have prepared highly engaging STEAM activities for kids and families to share in the joy of learning together. I will be there showing off my new LittleBits kit, an exciting tool for inventing and makerspace activities. I will have a few different inventions for families to choose to create, but unfortunately the LittleBits cannot be taken home, as we will use these great tools again and again in STEM class for the rest of the year and beyond.

Grade 3 Update

Right before vacation, the third graders completed another challenge to create a flying technology. The kids used their knowledge of aeronautical engineering to create a flying disc that could spin in the air and create some lift before it falls to the ground. This helped us to understand design features that could overcome the force of gravity. The flying discs are serving as inspiration for a new flying technology that can take aerial photos that we began to plan out this week. The students are currently working in small groups to now take everything they've learned about flying technologies, and design their own prototype that could be created to take aerial photos of a part of the world called the Empty Quarter. The Empty Quarter is the largest sand desert on earth, and we learned that scientists at NASA are interested in studying the Empty Quarter, because it resembles the harsh conditions that they might encounter on other planets like Mars. I'll keep everyone updated on the final flying technologies the kids imagine, plan, create, and improve over the next few weeks!

Grade 5 Update

The trimester is winding down for grade 5, and sadly we only have 2 classes left before I have to say goodbye to these amazing students. I have been so impressed with these 5th graders and their ability to embrace the engineering design process and new technologies like Tinkercad in such a short period of time!

Right before vacation, we learned a new 3D modeling program called Tinkercad. Tinkercad is the program we are using to create a logo to go along with the 5th graders final aerospace engineering project. Each group is creating a final model rocket that will be launched to a specific destination in the solar system and with a specific mission to perform. For example, the mission to Pluto is to take a picture of the surface of the dwarf planet. Each group is also creating a model rover that will perform the mission on their destination. Finally, each group is also creating a logo to represent their mission team in Tinkercad. I will be 3D printing these logos during the last week of the trimester. The kids have divided their work collaboratively, and each group has a rocket, rover, and logo manager. I can't wait to see all these final projects in action during our last week together.

That's all for now! Hope to see you at STEAM night!

-Mrs. A